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Christine Wagner

(c) Mandy Seidler
(c) Mandy Seidler

Please introduce yourself in two or three sentences.
My name is Christine Wagner and I was born in 1981. I studied German language and literature, and multimedia studies in Karlsruhe, and completed a master’s in applied literary studies at the Free University of Berlin. I live with my two children in Berlin.

What career experience do you have in your field of consultation?
Since 2008 I’ve worked at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, a literary institution by Berlin’s Wannsee lake. For ten years I’ve been responsible for the finances there. I also regularly coordinate literary events and run the cultural education project Echt absolut, a literary translation workshop for youth.

What are typical questions that participants might ask you in a consultation session?
How do I organize my finances?
How do I write an invoice?
How do I put together a source-and-disposition statement?
How do I correctly write-off my travel costs?

What are some of your professional achievements?
It’s worth having a look at

What languages do you offer consultation sessions in?
German and English and French.

Where can you be found in the internet/on social media?
On LCB’s website:

What piece of advice would you offer anyone interested in working in your professional field?
In nearly every area of the cultural sector, finances play a role; unfortunately, the numbers, Excel tables and forms are unavoidable. That’s why it’s advantageous to gain knowledge in this field. Even if it’s tedious at first…

What were your greatest challenges in the early years of your career?
Among my greatest challenges were my first major source-and-disposition statement and my first annual financial statement.