Claudia Lüdtke studied German studies, film studies and Russian studies in Marburg, Moskow and Berlin. After first working experiences at the Foundation Deutsche Kinemathek she started an editing/reading-career. After a traineeship at the Kreuz Verlag publishing house in 2004 she started her own freelance business as a reader and founded the editorial office “der springende punkt” (www.derspringendepunkt.de) together with a collegue. Since then she has been taking care of many book projects and other publications on behalf of publishing houses, agencies, businesses and institutions. From 2018 until 2022, she was also a board member of the Association of free Editors (VFLL e. V.).
Main topics of consultation: Editing of non-fiction, educational material and adverting, digital publishing, working as a freelancer for publishers and beyond, self-marketing, customer aquisition, networking