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Martina Klein

(c) privat

Please introduce yourself in two or three sentences.

Come, let’s go out
Watch snow, drink saké
Tumbling like flakes.
(Matsuo Bashô)

I’ve recently rediscovered haikus. This one is nearly 400 years old, expertly circumnavigates ‘sandan-gire’ (one phrase per line), and reminds me of a joke the singer of my old band once made on a drive…I would use it in a screenplay or a theatre piece without the slightest hesitation.

What professional experience do you have in your field of consultation?
My career experience probably already began in infancy – even before I read my first book on my own! That’s because language – its sound, but also stories – has always been my thing. Later I went on to study it all (creative writing, screenwriting) and have worked together with various publishers and production companies as a freelance author ever since. As a workshop leader, I regularly devote myself to other people’s ideas, and to finding their most impactful expression.

What are typical questions that prospective clients might ask you in a consultation?
How do I write a proposal? What makes a children’s book or screenplay good? How and where can I find opportunities to network? Should I negotiate contracts myself, or look for an agent? Can I choose an illustrator for my book? How many publishers should I try my luck with before I give up? What do I need to keep in mind when dealing with publishers and production companies? …

What successes do you have in your professional field?
A number of prizes for the film Die Boxerin (The Woman Boxer, directed by Catharina Deus).
More can be found on my website under ‘awards’.
I’m currently preparing a film workshop for incarcerated youth, together with two colleagues.

In which languages can you offer consultations?
German, English, French.

Where can you be found on the internet/on social media?

What advice would you give to anyone interested in your field?
Just get started, be aware of what’s happening and keep going, without overthinking it.