Ulrike Ostermeyer, born 1964 in Hamburg, has more than 25 years of publishing experience in the fields of general fiction, literature and non-fiction. After training as a bookseller in Hamburg and completing a master’s degree in literature and business administration in Munich, she first worked as a literary agent in London, was an editor at dtv from 1994 to 2005, where she helped to establish the dtv premium series, from 2005 to 2012 programme director for fiction at Ullstein Buchverlage and until the end of 2017 publishing director at Arche Literatur Verlag, for which she developed a new programme. In 2018 she set up her own literary office for translation, editing and consulting in Berlin and works as an editor-at-large for the Swiss Kampa Verlag, founded in 2016, and as a consultant in the field of literature for the Agence d’action culturelle of the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture. After initially working as a senior editor for Rowohlt publishing house, she became the programme manager of Rowohlt’s literary hardcover programme in October 2022.