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Henry Steinhau (Journalist, Consultant VG Wort)

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Henry Steinhau has been working as a media journalist since the mid-1980s, focusing on media culture & media competence, media policy & media law as well as online media & journalism. In addition, he works as an editor, moderator and instructor for lectures as well as a lecturer. Since autumn 2013 he has been a freelance online editor at
He is a member of Freischreiber e.V. – the professional association of freelance journalists – and was a member of the association’s honorary board for several years.

The collecting society VG WORT was founded in February 1958. It is a registered association by charter, in which authors and publishers have joined forces for the joint exploitation of copyright. The purpose of the non-profit-making association is to administer on a fiduciary basis the rights of use and remuneration claims of its members and rightholders entrusted to it by contract. This means, among other things, ensuring adequate remuneration for authors and publishers and collecting money from those who use the intellectual property of others. The funds received from numerous sources are then passed on to authors and publishers according to fixed distribution plans. Main topic of consultation: Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort (collecting society VG Wort)